
Eupatorium for Colds & Flu

Eupatorium for Colds & Flu

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Feeling really sick? With a headache and/or body pain?

Eupatorium perfoliatum is excellent for an illness with the following symptoms (note you don’t have to have all of them):

  • High fever
  • Chilliness and a desire to be covered up
  • Severe headache with soreness in the eyeballs
  • Bone pain and muscle pain, often with restlessness and the inability to get comfortable
  • Hoarseness with a loose cough, you may even feel the need to hold your chest because of the pain.
  • Sinus pain and a runny nose with sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Some of the symptoms may come and go

Lately, with another round of the rona circulating, many clients have been benefitting from this remedy.  

When you feel severe cold symptoms, especially with physical pain, think of Eupatorium.  In my opinion, it’s a must-have remedy, as it matches the description of many symptoms of a cold or flu.  

Allopathic medicines can have side effects and many times create new problems, including addictions to the medicine.  

When you learn to use homeopathy, you will be so glad to be free of those effects.

How to use this remedy

In Robin Murphy’s Nature’s Materia Medica, he notes that Eupatorium is used in both tincture and all potencies. In general, homeopathic remedies in a 30C can be purchased locally at stores such as Vitamin Shoppe, Sprouts, etc. This is a good potency to use if you are new to homeopathy.  For those of you who have more experience using homeopathy, the higher potency of Eupatorium in 200C seems to be working best.  

You can repeat the remedy as needed every three or so hours.  Stop when you feel better or stop if, after a few doses, the remedy is not helping.

Want to be able to treat your family with homeopathy?

For those of you who would like to be prepared for the next strain, virus, bacteria, toxin, etc. that comes our way, learning homeopathy is the way to go.   You can subscribe to our email list to be informed about our next homeopathy class as well as future blog posts.

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